Sunday, June 05, 2005

Self-Publishing Simplified

Outskirts Press can describe exactly what it does in three words. We simplify the self-publishing process by helping authors overcome the hurdles that prevent them from publishing a book.

It's different for every author. Some are waiting to secure a contract from an old-fashioned publisher. They could be waiting a long time.

Others don't want to purchase 10 ISBNs from Bowkers just to self-publish one book. We provide single ISBNs.

Others don't know how to obtain and EAN barcode (or even what it is or why it's important). We do all that for them.

Self-Publishing Simplified. It's what we do. Outskirts Press. What do you think?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

And There Was Light by Max Freedland

From the first time Max attends Jewish Sabbath eve services, he absorbs little by little the essence of the noble heritage denied by his atheistic parents. Employed by a Jewish-owned merchandising firm, Max is victim of reverse discrimination. He realizes that he lives in two worlds: his gentile fishing buddies, and Jewish social friends acquired from his marriage to Ray.

From the simple folk-wisdoms of Mama Silberman, his two children’s attending religious schools, and numerous other exposures to the birthright he was denied, Max comes to realize he has 'wandered though a desert of ethnic wilderness for forty years;’ that he belongs to a community of noble, scholarly, brave and priestly people.

After several chapters of droll and humorous anecdotes, Max’s saga concludes with a profound spiritual experience in a Jerusalem beer tavern.

America's Curious Ways by Beverly Ely

America's Curious Ways, Holidays, Customs and Apple Pie is a browsing book, a historical companion and a fact finder. It helps to define that slippery thing called common knowledge that makes conversation meaningful. This important book of information explains this common memory as expressed in the holidays, celebrations,and rituals that give a key to understanding this formidable and puzzling nation. It took hundreds of years to build this great country and the icons that define it. This book gives a clear-eyed view of that developoment and the facts behind the celebrations and symbols.

90 Ways to Keep Your Kids Drug Free by Karen Milici Palmiero

"How do we prevent our kids from starting to use drugs?" Effective drug prevention is an ongoing process that starts in the toddler years. This book is a guide to help you as this journey begins. The suggestions are age appropriate, but their goal will be to mold your child into a positive, self-assured teenager, one that will not be interested in drug use. Although methods of parenting vary from parent to parent, the common goal concerning drug abuse prevention should be to develop children with a strong sense of self, and a very high level of self-esteem. Children need to respect themselves and their loved ones. Children do not come with a manual, and all you can do is your best. Hopefully, the following tools to keep your kids drug free will help you on the journey of parenthood. BOOK AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM

Richard Lee's Testimonial

The team at Outskirts were fast, efficient and professional while handling my book. The author copies arrived this morning, about 5 minutes ago. The cover looks great, the text layout is perfect and the book as a whole is looks great. The team did a wonderful job. Very impressed.

Richard Lee

of Evil

David Levy's Testimonial

got the books and they look fantastic! Thanks! It's been a pleasure
working with you and I'll be back in touch for my next book.

Beverly Ely's Testimonial

first eight books arrived today and I am thrilled. It is beautiful.
I have not gone through it page by page but what I have seen I
am thrilled with. Thank you for doing a great job.

Jackson Klaiber Testimonial

I received the shipment of books today and could not be more pleased. It turned out great.

I don't know a lot about publishing, but in thirty years of practicing law, I know a little about people and professionals. I was truly impressed with the professional, patient and courteous manner in which you dealt with my numerous emails and questions. I would highly recommend your company to anyone thinking of publishing a book.

I am sure I will be ordering more books and emailing soon about your other possible services.

Thanks again.

Jackson Klaiber
Uncommon Denominator

Jeffery Lamb Testimonial

I'm writing to let you know that I received my books and they look great. I never thought something I created would turn out so fantastic. I want to thank my author representative and all the people at Outskirts Press for the wonderful job they did. Being a first time writer and not knowing what to expect was a little nerve racking but the professional help from Outskirts Press made it seem pretty easy. I never had to wait long for responses to my questions, and I had a lot of them. I would highly recommend Outskirts Press to anyone looking to self publish, if its you first time or you have used another company before I am sure you will have a good experience with Outskirts just like I did.

Jeffery Lamb
Strange Wind